Thursday, December 10, 2009

Suicide Behavior in America

A National study was done on suicidal thoughts and behaviors in the United States of America. It found that 8.3 million adults(1) had serious thoughts of suicide in the past year. Of 8.3 million only 2.3 million of these adults had made a suicide plan and only 1.1 million of these adults actually attempted suicide.

This study also found this risk of thoughts and attempts is significantly different among age groups. Young adults(2) were far more likely to have considered suicide in the past year than those ages 26-49. These young adults were nearly three times more likely than those people 50 or older.

Another factor comes into play when considering risk of suicide and adults is substance disorders. People experiencing substance disorders were more than three times(3) more likely to have seriously considered suicide than those non-users. These people were also a shocking 7 times more likely to have attempted suicide.

1. Adults are 18 and older and residents of the United States. 8.3 million or 3.7 percent.
2. Young adults- 18-26. This age comparison is a ratio of 6.7% to 3.9%. 50 or older: 2.3%
3. Three times: 11% to 3%. Seven times: 2% to .3%.

"National Study Reveals Statistics on Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors SAMHSA NEWS." Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Website. Version 17. SAMHSA , 1 Nov. 2009. Web. 10 Dec. 2009.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


From 1955-56 The Louisville Section of the National Council of Jewish Women studied mental health needs in Kentucky. They identified a need for programs to assist people in the transition from hospital back to community. Bridgehaven was founded in 1958 as a direct result of this study, and was the first community program in Jefferson County. It started with three clients and now has over 500 members annually.

Their mission: “Bridgehaven provides the highest quality community-based psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery services for adults with severe and persistent mental illness. We enhance the lives of Bridgehaven members by encouraging them to achieve the skills to live, learn, work and socialize in their chosen environment. Through individual, person-centered rehab planning, we assist members in setting and achieving recovery and community integration goals.”

Some of the group therapies that are offered to the members of Bridgehaven are:
o Independent Living Skills
o Communication Skills
o Self-determination
o Recovery Awareness
o Stress Management
o Relationship Skills
o Health and Fitness
o Pet Therapy

The two programs providing activities designed to improve the ability to interact and function in the community are Bridge To Recovery and Opportunity House. They believe recovery is “a process in which individuals with severe mental illness are encouraged to take control of their lives, set goals, take advantage of opportunities and return to living, learning, working and socializing activities of their choosing.”

Along with these available programs they have Adult Day Training. This program is designed to combine person centered interventions for adults with an intellectual disability with a high quality community based psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery program. The goal is not only to allow these people to socialize in their environment, but to thrive as well.

Bridgehaven has achieved their goal of reducing the amount of hospitalizations. They have found of 137 members, 53 were hospitalized during the prior year. But, during treatment at Bridgehaven only 2 members were hospitalized during their first 6 months to a year. This is a 96% reduction in hospitalizations. This reduction represents a cost savings of at least $1.4 million.

"Bridgehaven - Home." Bridgehaven - Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Dec. 2009. .