Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is defined as using force or threats to hurt and control family members. This violence can come in various forms and can harm children, partners, even the elderly:

  1. Physical-shoving, shaking, kicking, punching, using a weapon

  2. Emotional-threats, insults, demands, criticism, harassment.

  3. Sexual-assault, rape, or attempted rape.

  4. Neglect-failing to provide proper food, schooling, and medical care.

There is a circle progression of domestic violence; it starts out with tension building in the home. Secondly the abuser attacks when they are set off by something/someone. The next progression is that there is a period of remorse by the abuser where they buy gifts and do things to “fix” the damage they have done. And lastly they repeat once something/someone sets them off again.

Surprisingly in over half of all cases of domestic violence alcohol and drug usage has been used as an excuse. Alcohol and drugs ALWAYS increase the risk of domestic violence. People are more likely to act violently if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

So, why do people stay in abusive relationships we wonder?Fear of revenge by abuser.
-A sense of duty to keep the family together no matter what.
-A fear of losing children due to dangerous circumstances or surroundings.
-Children often don’t report abuse because they don’t want to “tell” on their parents OR they feel like they will get in trouble if they say anything.

This type of violence has several serious affects on the family involved in these individuals. Domestic violence results in the following:

-Emotional pain-family members may feel ashamed and guilty, worthless, depressed, and maybe even anxious.
-Physical injuries-bruises, head injuries, broken bones, and cuts or burns.
-Death-as violence continues it usually gets worse sometimes resulting in death from attacker.
-Other problems-job loss, school problems, unpaid bills, legal problems.

Domestic violence affects millions of families each year, these families are of all ethnicities, income level, and religion. Domestic Violence is a very serious crime and shouldn’t be taken lightly. This violence is never the fault of the victim, always is 100% the abusers fault.

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