Seven Counties Services celebrated its 32nd birthday on August 1…but celebrate may be the wrong word. In fact, I didn’t hear any of my colleagues mention it, even once! In years past, Seven Counties’ birthday was a big deal to many of us…it meant another year of growth, another year in the business and health communities, another year of providing community residents with high quality behavioral health, developmental and intellectual, and substance abuse services.
There’s nothing different about this year; Seven Counties is still providing services – now to more than 32,000 people every year. The organization is solid financially, has good name-recognition in the community and a national reputation for excellence, innovation and quality. It’s a great place to work, and staff (according to a recently completed independently-conducted staff survey) feel personally satisfied about the work they do in helping Seven Counties achieve its mission.
Our President/Chief Executive Office Dr. Howard Bracco was recently named the recipient of the Center for Non-Profit Excellence’s Lifetime Achievement Award, marking his 32 years of serving this community through his leadership of Seven Counties. Last year, our Vice President of Finance and Administration, Vicki Knable, was named the Business First Non-Profit CFO of the Year. Seven Counties routinely tops the Business First’s list of top non-profit organizations in the region. A number of our programs have won recognitions recently for quality and excellence. While Seven Counties will certainly continue to seek excellence in all areas of operations and staffing, I’d say we’ve done pretty well thus far.
So, with all these successes, why didn’t we celebrate our birthday this year? Perhaps, like a lot of people, it gets to the point where the actual number doesn’t seem important – it’s the quality that matters. Perhaps staff no longer feel we must prove ourselves within the community. Again, we don’t want to rest on our laurels – far from it; we want to keep pushing the envelope to identify better ways of helping people achieve recovery, but perhaps we don’t feel that we have quite as much to prove, considering our great track record for…uhmm… 32 years.
So, just in case you missed it (and I believe nearly everyone did), Happy Birthday, Seven Counties.