By Dean L. Johnson, Vice President
Community Relations
Seems to me there's plenty of nonsense reporting and self-interested revelations surrounding the health insurance reform act passed earlier this year. If the mass media is your only source of information about what the act does and how it might affect you, your family, your business or your employer, then you've been shortchanged. 2 column articles and 30 second sound bites can't do it justice. Mostly, they do an injustice. Your most likely to find out somebody's beef with the bill. You're leastly likely to find out how it will affect you.
There is another way. An industry selling manuals, articles and slideshows centered on "what's in the bill" instantly materialized and continues to grow. I've had no less than four documents explaining the reform package in my briefcase at any one time for the past two months. I've read health insurance reform papers on planes, on trains, on buses and in automobiles.Most of them are large. Many of them are barely comprehensible. Nearly all are focused on how the bill affects a particular segment of the health care industry.
There's not a lot out there that delivers comprehensive, easy to understand and unbiased information to Joe and Jane Public, who need to understand what this bill does for and to them.
Fortunately, in Kentucky, we have a resource that fits the need. It's a ten page, easy-to-follow piece created by a coalition of organizations called Kentucky Voices for Health. It's simply titled: "The New Health Reform Law: What it Means to Kentuckians." Want to know if you'll be eligible for a subsidy to pay your insurance? It's in there. Wondering if your employer will have to provide you with insurance coverage? It's in there. Looking for small business assistance? It's in there. Worried about how the law affects Medicare recipients? The answers are in there.
Want to know how you can get one? It's in here:
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