Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Expect Recovery

Recovery refers to the process in which people are able to live, work, learn, and participate fully in their communities. In other words recovery is a process of regaining one's life to a usable form; reclaiming one's personal power from one's illness.

For some individuals, recovery is the ability to live a fulfilling and productive life despite a disability. For others, recovery implies the reduction or complete remission of symptoms.

Both Consumers and Providers need to "Expect Recovery!" Meaning that both Providers and Consumers know that the Consumer can and has a right to walk out the door with a better quality of life, they have a right to recovery! To do this the Providers need to work with consumers as partners as they move through "The Stages of Recovery." The Five Stages in the Recovery Process are as follows:

  1. Impact of Illness: "The shattering of one's world, hopes, and dreams." In this stage the Provider is to decrease the emotional distress by reducing the symptoms and communicating that there is life after diagnosis.
  2. Life is Limited: "We both gave up. Giving up was a solution." In this stage the Provider is to instill hope, a sense of possibility, and to rebuild a positive self-image.
  3. Change is Possible: "The fragile flame of hope and courage." In this stage the Provider is to help the Consumer to see that they are not so limited by the illness and in order to move on they will need to take some risks.
  4. Commitment to Change: "I began in little ways with small triumphs and simple acts of courage." In this stage the Provider is to help the person take the initial steps by helping them identify their strengths and needs in terms of skills, resources and supports.
  5. Actions for Change: "We rebuilt our lives on three corner stones of recovery- hope, willingness and responsible action." In this stage the Provider is to equip the Consumer with the necessary skills, resources and supports so that they can trust in their own decision-making ability and take more responsibility for their life.

Peer Support is one of the tools consumers use to "regain their lives to a usable form" (to recover), it is support that is provided by consumers to consumers in order to bring about a desired social or personal change. Peers help because they often have similar experiences; through these they can empathize well, make informed decisions, serve as role models, aid in problem solving, and help others navigate the "system." Recovery can grow in Kentucky! Your help is needed for recovery to thrive!

The President's New Freedom Commission on Mental Illness "Achieving the Promise:Transforming Mental Health Care in America" July 2003. Adapted from Webster's II by: Molly Clouse June 2002. Taken from the work of Molly Clouse, Recovery Consultant for Seven Counties, Inc. Appalachian Consulting Group & Empowerment Partners, LLC- 2005.

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