Thursday, October 1, 2009

Faculty Perceptions of University Students with Psychiatric Disabilities

I have been doing some research on stigmas for the video project that I am curently working on and have found some interesting information, this particular study caught my eye because I am a student at a university and thought it relevant information to possibly use down the road.
  • "The purpose of this study was to assess the relationship between information sources and university faculty members' perceptions of working with university students who have PDs."
  • Faculty were asked a)What are your levels of comfort and feelings of confidence in working with university students who have PDs? and b)What is the relationship between your source of information about PD and their perceptions about working with students with PD's?
  • Conclusion: "This study indicated that three experiential information sources were strong positive predictors of faculty perceptions of working with students with PDs: having a friend with a PD, knowing a student with a PD, and currently being treated oneself fora PD. Faculty viewed university students with PDs in a positive light and were comfortable having them on campus. Many faculty felt they did not have adequate knowledge or training to work with these students and would like to have more resources available."

Faculty Perceptions of University Students with Psychiatric Disabilities Karin F Brockelman, Janis G Chadsey, Jane W Loeb. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal. Boston:Summer 2006. Vol. 30, Iss. 1, p. 23-30 (8 pp.)

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