Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Thoughts From Dr. Bracco

Not-for-profits As Investments
Too often, not-for-profit organizations are viewed as bottomless pits of expenses. They have us reaching in our pockets in order to do good or out of guilt. We do not seem to appreciate them as having a positive economic impact on our community. From an economic perspective we seem to place greater value on the for-profit sector. But, did you know that in our seven county region there are 5,201 not-for-profits who cumulatively have an income exceeding 10 Billion Dollars and assets of over 11 Billion Dollars? These organizations, aside from their humanitarian missions, have a significant impact on their local economies. They provide tens of thousands of jobs that contribute to both taxes and consumerism that spurs growth in our local communities.

Seven Counties Services has multiple major footprints in our community. We are the largest non-hospital not-for-profit and the 26th largest employer in our region. The programs that we provide have assisted many in our community, who would otherwise be disenfranchised, to engage in productive activities that add further value to their lives. Our First Steps Program saves $7 in special education expenses for every $1 that is expended. Where else can you get a 700% return on your investment? Jail diversion services enable us to redirect $1 million dollars a year to other purposes. Project Link allowed the redirection of $23.1 million dollars by insuring that 77 babies were born drug free to mothers who had been addicted to cocaine or alcohol. Family Preservation services kept 451 children at home with their families rather than requiring foster care that would have cost $3.7 million. In virtually every program operated by Seven Counties such results are actualized.

Given the economic challenges we face in our Commonwealth, perhaps an altered perception of not-for-profits is in order. Stimulus dollars have been targeted to “shovel ready” projects which conjure up images of bricks and mortar. We tend to invest in buildings rather than in people. When these buildings are institutions such as jails, psychiatric hospitals, nursing homes, we have taken a short term investment and turned them into a long term expenses. Serving people in these environments rather than through community based services and support for families is not sustainable, nor does it promote recovery and the opportunity for us to realize our potential.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Dr. Bracco, for your “to the point” comments. Having made my own personal investment of time as a volunteer on a number of non-profit Boards, I must heartily agree with your assessment that the many non-profits in our community enrich our collective lives in a way that few in the traditional business environment may have ever tried to estimate. Over the years, I have come in contact with many people who found the help they needed through your organization. Just within the past year in conversation with a new friend, I was told “Seven Counties Services saved my life!” Now, that’s a testimony that says it all.

--Steve Noble